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Manvel Update Archives 2005
Archives 2004
December 2005
Dec. 10th |
Manvel Country Christmas,
see article |
Dec. 9th |
Alvin-Manvel Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Holiday Open House, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. For more info. call 281-331-3944 |
Dec 9th |
Knights of Columbus Fish Fry,
5:00 – 7:00, Hwy. 6 |
Dec. 10th | Annual Breakfast With Santa, Contact: Alvin Library @ 281-388-4300 |
Dec. 16th - 22nd |
“Christmas Train" at Victory Camp see article |
Dec 19th – Jan 2 | AISD Winter Break |
Parents Get a Break Manvel Junior High 8th Graders are having a Parents Night Out on Saturday, Dec. 3 from 5:00 p.m. till 9:00 p.m., for ages 3 to 12. The cost is only $12.00 per child and includes, games, movies, fun, music, crafts, and pizza!! The 8 graders will be organizing games and fun, parents will be supervising at all times! If you or anyone you know needs a night out to shop, wrap, or just relax; please pass this on!! From the Mayor’s Desk Where has this year gone? It seems like only yesterday we were beginning the year of 2005 and now we are ready to close it down. This has been a good year for the City of Manvel. Many exciting projects are happening: Our beautiful Manvel High School is almost finished, Rodeo Palms is approaching over 250 building permits for homes, First Baptist Church has broken ground for a new 100’ x 150’ 2 story multifunctional building for education, fellowship and a gym for the school, First National Bank, Sonic and the Brazoria Court Annex Building are all nearing completion and the new MVFD building on FM 1128 and Dogwood is progressing nicely. We have several large commercial developers eyeing property on 288 for future development and residential developers regarding other areas here in Manvel. The coming year should be filled with many exciting happenings. Chief of Police Ralph Garcia would like to warn everyone to be especially careful during the coming holidays. Please keep your doors locked at home and in your car. Keep any purchases out of view, if possible. Shop with another person whenever possible. There is always someone who would like to benefit from your carelessness. Do not give them the opportunity. After three years our City Secretary, Debi Bottoms will be leaving Manvel City Hall to return to her first love, Dispatching. She will be working for AISD. When you see her, please wish her well. Holidays can be very lonely for people living alone. Please reach out to someone who may need a caring voice. Remember, Manvel Country Christmas is Saturday, December 10. This is always a special time for community to come together and share fellowship. Thank you for your continued support. “Together we CAN make a difference”! Delores M Martin, Mayor Christmas Home Tour Delta Kappa Gamma will sponsor Alvin’s Tour of Homes on Dec. 4 from 2 to 6 p.m. A craft and bake sale will be at one home. Delta Delta, a chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, an honorary organization of women educators, sponsors the tour of homes during the Christmas season to benefit The Women’s Center of Brazoria County and the Hand-In-Hand Child Development Center. Proceeds from the craft and bake sale support local scholarships. Tickets may be purchased for $5 if purchased before 2 p.m. Dec. 4. Admission thereafter will be $6. Children under 12 are free. The five homes featured are John and Kathy Campbell, Richard and Helen Dickensheets, Tom and Pam Evans, Cameron and Stephanie Magness and Bert and Cathy Thompson. Tickets are available at the Alvin/Manvel Chamber of Commerce, 105 W. Willis; Floral Affairs, 1400 E. Highway 6; Alvin Senior Center, 309 W. Sealy; or from any member of Delta Delta. Marek Elementary Recently Marek Elementary was donated a piece of technology called a Purple COW (curriculum on wheels). Former First Lady Barbara Bush funded the donation. Marek was chosen because of the number of Louisiana students we have enrolled whose lives Hurricane Katrina has impacted. Neil Bush is the person who started the foundation, which provides and sells this piece of equipment.The Purple Cow has Ignite! Software that contains activities for Science and Social Studies for middle school students, which align with our Texas standards (TEKS). The Purple COW will be used in Craig Kettler's 6 grade classes. They are very excited about this new piece of technology at Marek Elementary. Shown here is a picture of Craig Kettler with English Jackson (who delivered the equipment) along with Alvin ISD administrators and lead teachers. Pictured from left to right are: Bruce Marchand, Lisa Brady, Craig Kettler, English Jackson, Jennifer Valdez, and Kerri Neubauer. "Manvel's Country Christmas"… is still going strong? It will be Saturday, December 10, 2005, 4:00-7 p.m. in front of the Old Manvel Library Building. The Special Events Committee would like to announce activities to begin at 4 p.m.: free refreshments, arts/crafts booths, and Santa photos will begin at 5:00 p.m. with entertainment, live nativity scene and the lighting of the trees at 6:00 p.m. by Manvel Mayor Delores Martin. The Santa photos are $2.00. Please bring a canned item to give to the needy in our area. If you would like to volunteer or have any questions, please contact us. General information: Nancy Garcia 281-630-0594, John Aucoin 281-489-0041or Stephanie Griffith 281-489-1548. Acc News and Events December 1, Festival of Lights at ACC The annual Festival of Lights will be held at ACC on Dec. 1 at 7:30 p.m. Each year, the college brings the spirit of Christmas to life with thousands of lights strung throughout the main campus and seasonal music. For more information, contact Student Activities at (281) 756-3686. December 3-4, 8-10, ACC Theatre Department Presents “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” The ACC Theatre Department will present its holiday performance of “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” by Barbara Robinson on Dec. 3-4 and Dec. 8-10 in the main campus theatre, 3110 Mustang Road. Performances on Dec. 3, 9 and 10 will be at 8 p.m., Dec. 4 at 2:30 p.m. and Dec. 8 at 10 a.m. For more information or to reserve tickets, call the Box Office at (281) 756-3606. December 5, ACC Choir Christmas Concert The ACC Concert Choir and Singers will host its annual Christmas Concert on Dec. 5, at 7:30 p.m., at First United Methodist Church of Alvin. The event will feature Christmas musical favorites by the choir accompanied by harp and a performance by dancer Sandra Organ. The concert is free to the public. First United Methodist Church of Alvin is located at 611 W. South. For more information, contact ACC Chair of the Music Department Kevin Moody at (281) 756-3587. December 6, Pearland Center Hosts Fall Health Fair The ACC Wellness Program and Continuing Education’s Healthcare Training Programs are sponsoring the annual Fall Health Fair at the Pearland Center on Tuesday, Dec. 6. The event, which is 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and free to the public, will provide insight into new ideas and alternative medicines, as well as the more traditional health and medical programs. Many area hospitals and healthcare providers will also be providing free screenings. In conjunction with this event, there will be a Holistic/Integrative/Natural Medicine Expo. The Expo will feature products and demonstrations of natural medicine techniques available today, free massage therapy sessions, magnet, anti-aging products and yoga demonstrations. For more info. about the Fall Health Fair, call (281) 756-3807. The Pearland Center is located at 2319 N. Grand Blvd. December 6, ACC Foundation 7th Annual Christmas Gala The ACC Foundation will host its 7 Annual Christmas Gala on Dec. 6, at 6 p.m., at the Nolan Ryan Center. There will be a wine reception, dinner, silent and live auction and musical entertainment. The event is held each year to raise funds for ACC Foundation scholarships and staff development. For more information, contact Wendy DelBello, ACC Administrative Coordinator and Foundation Director, at (281) 756-3600 or The Nolan Ryan Center is located on the ACC main campus, 3110 Mustang Road. December 8, ACC holds monthly board meeting ACC will hold its monthly Board of Trustees meeting on Dec. 8, at 7 p.m., in the Nolan Ryan Center Community Room. ACC is located at 3110 Mustang Road in Alvin. For more information, contact Wendy DelBello, ACC Administrative Coordinator, at (281) 756-3600.
December 16 through January 2, 2006 ACC Closed for Winter Break ACC will be closed for the winter break from Dec. 16 through Jan. 2, 2006. The college will reopen on Jan. 3, 2006 ACC, Sam Houston State University Enter Agreement Alvin Community College and Sam Houston State University entered into an agreement on Nov. 10 to provide programs, including an articulation agreement, reverse transfer and joint admission, which enhance the educational experience of students attending both schools. The articulation agreement will help maximize the amount of course work that will transfer from ACC to Sam Houston. Reverse transfer will allow students to transfer course work from Sam Houston to ACC to complete requirements for an Associate’s degree and the colleges will also work together to provide services to students enrolled at both institutions simultaneously. For more information about the agreement, visit or call the ACC Office of Admissions and Academic Advising at 281-756-3531. |
November 2005
Oct. 29th | Time Change, Change battery in Smoke Alarms |
Nov. 11th | Knights of Columbus Fish Fry, 5:00 – 7:00, Hwy. 6 |
Nov. 21st – 25th | AISD out for Thanksgiving Break |
Larry and Lee Ann Phillips In 2000 AISD voters approved a bond for $58 million and in 2003 another bond for $97.2 million. Now on November 8, 2005 Alvin Independent School District is asking voters to approve a $135.8 million bond referendum. According to the school district’s numbers, our current bond indebtedness is $171 million. If this current bond passes, that would bring the debt of the district to over $300 million. That’s not the federal government’s debt or the state’s debt. That debt will belong solely to those of us that call the Alvin/Manvel area “home.” The district states that they need more classroom space and our current buildings are in dire need of maintenance and repair. If this is the case, why didn’t we spend the millions of dollars of recent bond money on classroom space and maintenance that would benefit all students, instead of a new fine arts building, competition gym, state-of-the-art field house, new concession stands and refurbished stadium that only benefit a few? We aren’t opposed to building schools to house students, but to ask already overburdened taxpayers to provide for extras -- such as hand-held computers for every 7th grader, costly architecture, lighting at junior high fields, a new auditorium -- seems to be reaching too deep into the pockets of parents and citizens. AISD homeowners have seen their tax burden increase significantly over the last several years due to increasing property values and an increasing tax rate. At the same time, people have seen their cost of living increase dramatically due to the rise in fuel and electricity prices. Before asking homeowners to tighten their budget yet again to provide more money for the school district, shouldn’t the school district look within and see where they could tighten their own budget? Is this bond election at this time really in the best interests of the citizens of the Alvin/Manvel area?
Manvel Friends of the Library are sorry to announce the cancellation of
the annual Friends of the Library Arts and Crafts Show. We just did not
have enough vendors sign up for booths. We are, however, having the
The prizes include a $100.00 gift certificate to Wal-Mart, a $50.00 gift certificate to Manvel Mattress, an Indian rustic framed picture, a filled sports basket from South Shore Harbor, 2 crocheted afghans made by member Betty Freeman, and, of course, our Fall and Christmas baskets!
Tickets are available at the Manvel Library, and members will be selling
them at different venues. The price is $1.00 per ticket, or 6 for
$5.00. All proceeds will go toward support of the Manvel Library.
From The Mayor’s Desk I know by now you have seen the article in the newspapers regarding the State of the City Address that I gave on October 18 at Grace United Methodist Church. I do want to personally thank Rev. Sue Carter for her graciousness and generosity in hosting this event along with the Connie Ellis and the Alvin-Manvel Chamber of Commerce. If you would like to read the entire presentation. Just highlighting a few items: The city has a working budget of $2,398,400.00 and $252,872.74 in the reserve account. We are still waiting to finalize the 2005 budget and I will announce the surplus at that time. The employees were given a 3% raise. The city pays 100% of their health insurance including vision and dental. The $300,000 loan the City Council took out in 1999 has finally been paid back to First National Bank. The City was able to achieve the $2.8 million dollar loan from the Texas Water Development Board WITH NO TAX INCREASE TO OUR CITIZENS. The sales tax for the year of 2004 was $239, 403.68. The sales tax for just the first 7 MONTHS of 2005 was $317, 285. 02. This sales tax increase is largely due to Hope Lumber and their $4 plus million dollar monthly sales. Jobs have increased greatly in Manvel. Hope Lumber brought in 35+ jobs, PS Fabricators brought in 100 jobs and adding, Southern Ford brought in 70 jobs and have added 40 more. The list goes on and on. We are actively working on our projects under the direction of our project manager, Dale Conger. Five miles of roads to be rebuilt and overlaid are on the Public Works agenda. The Manvel Police Department will have an Open House and Trick-or-Treats for the children on Friday, October 28 from 6 to 8:30pm. The MVFD will again be handing out candy in front of city hall on Halloween night from 6:00 – 8:30. The 100-gun raffle put on by the Manvel Lions’ Club was a tremendous success, surpassing last year’s event. The City of Manvel proudly salutes the Lions Club for their hard work and dedication to any project they undertake. Much is happening in our city right how. Meetings with prospective developers are occurring daily. We pledge to serve the Manvel community to the best of our ability, to direct growth so that it will compliment and not be a distraction to the area, to remain open-minded on any project we are asked to consider, to stay user-friendly whenever and where ever possible and to always work as a team…for TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. “Delores M. Martin, Mayor ACC Happenings November - ACC Students Art Show The artwork of Alvin Community College students will be on display during the month of November in the ACC Gallery, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. The Gallery is located on the ACC main campus, 3110 Mustang Road. For more information, contact Cherie Richey, Art Department Office and Event Coordinator, at (281) 756-3605. November 11 - ACC Hosts Veteran’s Day Ceremony Alvin Community College will host its annual Veteran’s Day Ceremony on Nov. 11 at noon at the main campus, 3110 Mustang Road. Each year, the college celebrates the dedicated and heroic efforts of our country’s veterans. For more information, contact Student Activities at (281) 756-3686. November 17 - ACC Holds Monthly Board Meeting Alvin Community College will hold its monthly Board of Trustees meeting on Nov. 17, at 7 p.m., in the Nolan Ryan Center Community Room. ACC is located at 3110 Mustang Road in Alvin. For more information, contact Wendy Del Bello, ACC Administrative Coordinator, at (281) 756-3600. November 17 - University Day Fair at ACC Delegates from approximately 35 colleges and universities from all over Texas will be at Alvin Community College on Nov. 17 to answer questions and provide information to prospective, new and transfer students. ACC has been coordinating this event for over 21 years to give college students and members of the community the opportunity to interact and network with representatives from other institutions. Many topics will be addressed, such as available majors, enrollment, admission requirements, financing, campus activities and much more. The University Day Fair will be held at the main campus, 3110 Mustang Road, from 9 a.m. to noon. To learn more, call (281) 756-3531. November 19 - Poetry Workshop Alvin Community College will host its annual Fall Poetry Workshop on Nov. 19, from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the main campus, 3110 Mustang Road. For more information, call Student Activities at (281) 756-3686. November 29-30 - ACC hosts blood drive Alvin Community College Student Activities will host a blood drive on Nov. 29 and 30, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., in the game room of Building E. ACC is located at 3110 Mustang Drive in Alvin. For more information, contact Student Activities at (281) 756-3686. December 3-4, 8-10, ACC Theatre Department Presents “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” The Alvin Community College Theatre Department will present its holiday performance of “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” by Barbara Robinson on Dec. 3-4 and Dec. 8-10 in the main campus theatre, 3110 Mustang Road. Performances on Dec. 3, 9 and 10 will be at 8 p.m., Dec. 4 at 2:30 p.m. and Dec. 8 at 10 a.m. For more information or to reserve tickets, call the Box Office at (281) 756-3606. December 5 - ACC Choir Christmas Concert The Alvin Community College Concert Choir and Singers will host its annual Christmas Concert on Dec. 5, at 7:30 p.m., at First United Methodist Church of Alvin. The event will feature Christmas musical favorites by the choir accompanied by harp and a performance by dancer Sandra Organ. The concert is free to the public. First United Methodist Church of Alvin is located at 611 W. South. For more information, contact ACC Chair of the Music Department Kevin Moody at (281) 756-3587. December 6 - ACC Foundation Annual Christmas Gala The Alvin Community College Foundation will be hosting its annual Christmas Gala on Dec. 6, at 6 p.m., at the Nolan Ryan Center. There will be a wine reception, dinner, silent and live auction and musical entertainment. The event is held each year to raise funds for ACC Foundation scholarships and staff development. For more information, contact Wendy Del Bello, ACC Administrative Coordinator and Foundation Director, at (281) 756-3600 or The Nolan Ryan Center is located on the ACC main campus, 3110 Mustang Road. ACC Spring 2006 Registration Begins Nov. 14 Telephone and WebACCess registration for the Spring 2006 semester at Alvin Community College begins on Nov.14. Registering for classes now benefits students and the college in numerous ways. For students, it helps ensure that there will space for them in the class, eliminates the last-minute rush and long lines during on-campus registration, allows more time to schedule work, family and extracurricular activities around classes, allows more time to handle unforeseen situations and helps make the registration process much easier. For ACC, registering for classes before next year helps the staff and faculty prepare for semester needs earlier, reduce the possibility of a class being canceled for not meeting minimum requirements and provide better service to students by reducing long lines during the registration process. Telephone and WebACCess registration will be held through Jan. 10. On-campus registration will be held Dec. 12-13 and Jan. 9 and 10. The Spring 2006 schedule will be available online, at, on Oct. 28. For more information, contact the ACC Admissions and Academic Advising Office at (281) 756-3531. |
October 2005
Annual BBQ, Auction
& Bake Sale
October 15, 2005
Sacred Heart Church - Parish Hall
C.R. 48 one block North off Hwy. 6
With YOUR continued support we will be able to provide the quality of service this community has come to expect for over 50 years from the M.V.F.D.
Auction starts at 1:00 p.m.
Donations are being accepted for the auction, so please call 281-489-0041 to schedule pickup of item (s).
Come join the fun! Please call 281-489-9658 for more information.
The Boy Scout Troup 483 supplies the children’s activities, continuous clean-up through the day and helps with large ‘To Go’ orders taking the meals out to the cars. Their continiued support is greatly appreciated.
October 9th | Sacred Heart Catholic Church 50th Bazaar, article follows |
October 3rd – 7th | AISD Fall Break |
October 14th | Knights of Columbus Fish Fry, 5:00 – 7:00, Hwy. 6 |
October 15th | MVFD fundraiser, article follows |
October 22nd | Lions Club 100 Gun Raffle, article follows |
October 29th |
Children's Fall Festival, Just For The Kids!! 3 p.m. - 5 p.m., 1st Baptist
Church in Manvel Fun, Food, Games, Prizes, and ‘Free’ |
October 29th | ACC Fall Festival & Carnival, article follows |
October 30th | Daylight Savings Time Ends, Be sure to check your smoke detector battery |
About Town; Alvin High School Project Graduation events include a Pajama Bowl-Sunday is October 2nd from 9:00 –12:00 p.m. at the Alvin Bowling Lanes. They will also have a Baked Potato Dinner & Silent Auction-Saturday, October 29th at the AHS cafeteria 5:00 p.m. - ?. Advanced tickets are $6 and $7 at the door. Take-outs are available. Sacred Heart Catholic Church of Jesus 50th Bazaar is October 9th. The church is located at Hwy 6 & CR 48, Manvel, Texas. The bazaar was scheduled for September 25th, but Hurricane Rita interrupted the plans. Manvel Volunteer Fire Department will be holding their fundraiser October 15th at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. The meal is from 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and the auction follows at 1:00 p.m. E.C. Mason’s PTO is handling the bake sale. The Manvel Lion’s Club is holding our Third Annual Hunters Night on the Town-Gun Raffle on October 22nd starting at 6pm at Sacred Heart Catholic. For more information call 281-489-7117 or 281-331-1000. Mark your calendar and make plans to invite a friend and come to First Baptist Church of Manvel for a benefit concert featuring the band from the Alvin Opry on Saturday, October 30th at 6 p.m. All proceeds will go into the hurricane relief fund. Plan ahead for the Friends of the Library’s annual Arts and Craft Show on November 12th at Manvel Junior High. If you have any questions call the Manvel Branch Library at 281-489-7596. |
From The Mayor’s Desk September has been a rather busy month. With budget planning, re adjusting speed limits on Masters Road and managing the turbulent weather, there was never any idle time. The 2005-2006 budget passed by City Council on September 26, 2005 is $2,398,400. The tax rate is .648560. The tax rate for last year was .659603. Since 2001 when the tax rate was .734803, we have decreased the tax rate yearly. We have increased the over-65 and handicap exemptions to $65,000. While we have steadily decreased the tax rate, the appraisals have steadily increased which we have no control over. Congratulations to Officer J. D. Green who apprehended two suspects for stealing building materials at Rodeo Palms. To show their appreciation to Officer Green, Legend Homes gave him gift certificates to a local restaurant. I cannot say enough regarding the wonderful work the Manvel Police Department did during the evacuation time on SH6. With the help of James Graham, Larry Akery and John Aucoin of the MVFD, the police were able to guide and patrol the traffic for 13 hours straight. The MVFD also had 8 firemen that strayed behind, including these three to help within the town if they were needed. The police constantly stayed on 24-hour patrol with a curfew in place during the time we were being threatened by “Rita”. They were ably assisted by the Public Works Department who were also on 24-hour duty. The Manvel EMS was in constant demand and was ably assisted by the Fort Bend EMS. The men and women of these 4 organizations put aside the welfare of themselves and their families to serve the City Manvel to the fullest degree. I have heard numerous comments that the only visible police along their evacuation journey were the Manvel Police. God Bless You All for your dedication!!! Let us hope and pray no more storms will come our way. Mid November seems to be an eternity away. Please keep City Hall informed if you know of anyone who would need help in case of a mandatory evacuation. The telephone number is 281 489 0630. Dale Conger, our Project Manager, is reviewing the five major projects of the city and will discuss the projects with the City Council at their next workshop. Public Works will submit a list of roads to be considered by City Council for refurbishment. A generator for the water plant will be considered in case of loss of power. Thank you for your continued support. Delores M. Martin, Mayor ACC Happenings October 8, Join Media Celebrities, KACC Alumni to “Rock for the Cure” Join numerous radio and television media celebrities to “Rock for the Cure” on Oct. 8 at 7 p.m. at the Nolan Ryan Center in Alvin. The event is being sponsored by the Alvin Community College Foundation to benefit Radio/Television Broadcasting Director Cathy Forsythe who has been battling cancer. Celebrities scheduled to appear include: Wendy Miller of KIOL ROCK 103.7, sports aficionado Craig Roberts of The Tube, Voice of the Houston Astros and Radio Hall of Fame’s Milo Hamilton, The Minute Maid Park Voice of the Houston Astros Bob Ford, Dayna Steele of the BizRadio Network, Ernie Manouse of KUHT, Kevin Eschenfelder of FOX Sports, Dave Summers of KHMX MIX 96.5, Melissa Wilson of Fox 26 News, Tom Fontaine and Robert B. McEntire of 100.3 KILT, Marc Vandermeer, Voice of the Houston Texans, Capella Tucker of Houston Public Radio, Jay Hagins, president of the Houston Advertising Federation, Mark Landis of K-ROCK102.7 in San Antonio and many more. The ACC Radio/Television Broadcasting Department and KACC 89.7 FM will also host a reunion of former students in conjunction with the event. In addition to KACC broadcasting live from “Rock for the Cure,” there will be a silent and live auction. Tickets are $25 each and include a wine reception, hors d’ oeuvres and admission into the Nolan Ryan Museum. For more information about “Rock for the Cure” or to purchase tickets, contact Wendy Del Bello, ACC Administrative Coordinator, at (281) 756-3600 or The Nolan Ryan Center is located on the ACC main campus, 3110 Mustang Road. |
October 8-9, 13-15, ACC Theatre
Presents “Wait Until Dark” The Alvin Community College Theatre Department will present its fall performance of “Wait Until Dark” by Frederick Knott on Oct. 8-9 and Oct. 13-15 in the main campus theatre, 3110 Mustang Road. Performances on Oct. 8, 14 and 15 will be at 8 p.m., Oct. 9 at 2:30 p.m. and Oct. 13 at 10 a.m. For more information or to reserve tickets, call the Box Office at (281) 756-3606. October 11, ACC Theatre Department Holds Auditions for Christmas Play The Alvin Community College Theatre Department will hold auditions for its Christmas production of “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” by Barbara Robinson on Oct. 11, at 7 p.m., in the main campus theatre, 3110 Mustang Road. “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” has roles for four men, six women, speaking roles for eight boys ages 7-13, nine girls ages 7-13, plus choir members ages 6-13, baby angels ages 5-7, and shepherds ages 6-13. The play will be performed Dec. 3-4 and 8-10. For more information, contact Dr. Jay Burton, chair of the ACC Drama Department, at (281) 756-3607. October 17, ACC Athletic Dept. hosts Golf Tournament The Alvin Community College Athletic Department will host its annual golf tournament on Oct. 17 at Magnolia Creek Golf Links, located at 1501 West Bay Area Boulevard in League City. The event is held each year to raise funds for athletic equipment and needs of the department. For more information, contact the ACC Athletic Department at (281) 756-3691. October 19, ACC Fall Fitness Fair The Alvin Community College Allied Health Programs will sponsor their annual Fall Fitness Fair on Oct. 19, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the main campus. The event will focus on health awareness, prevention and treatment awareness and the importance of positive lifestyle habits. Numerous health screenings, informational booths and healthcare professionals will be available. There is no charge to attend the event and many of the screenings will be free. Flu shots will be available for $25. For more information, contact Diane Flatland, chair of the ACC Respiratory Care Department, at (281) 756-3658. ACC is located at 3110 Mustang Road. October 22, 2nd Annual Mutt Strutt & Costume Contest Alvin Community College will host the 2nd Annual Mutt Strutt on Oct. 22, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the main campus, 3110 Mustang Road. There will be a two-mile fun run, two-mile walk and costume contest. Registration is $20 prior to Oct. 18 and $30 from Oct. 19 until the day of the event. All proceeds go to the City of Alvin Animal Shelter Building Fund. Vendor and rescue organization booths are available. For more information, contact Deanna Dick, ACC math instructor, at (281) 756-3704 or Lynn Goswick, director of ACC Media Services, at (281) 756-3569. October 26, ACC DCVS Open House The Alvin Community College Diagnostic Cardiovascular Sonography Department will host an open house on Oct. 26 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The event, held during Sonography Awareness Month, will provide live scanning demonstrations, information about the program, refreshments and an opportunity to meet the faculty and students. The open house will be held at the main campus, 3110 Mustang Road, in Room D249. For more information, call (281) 756-3892. October 27, ACC holds monthly board meeting Alvin Community College will hold its monthly Board of Trustees meeting on Oct. 27, at 7 p.m., in the Nolan Ryan Center Community Room. ACC is located at 3110 Mustang Road in Alvin. For more information, contact Wendy Del Bello, ACC Administrative Coordinator, at (281) 756-3600. October 29, ACC Fall Festival & Carnival Alvin Community College will host its annual Fall Festival & Carnival on Oct. 29 from 5 to 9:30 p.m. at the main campus. There will be numerous games and activities for the kids. The event is held each year to give area children and their families a fun and safe alternative to Halloween. For more information, contact Student Activities at (281) 756-3686. ACC is located at 3110 Mustang Road. |
August 2005
September 2005
If you have anything to add to the Update please contact Sharon Akery at 281-489-9658 or email her at,
September 7th |
Manvel First Baptist
Blood Drive, 2:30 - 8:30 p.m. |
September 7th |
AISD night at the Astros.
See article |
September 9th |
Knights of Columbus Fish Fry,
5:00 – 7:00, Hwy. 6 |
September 25th | Sacred Heart Catholic Church Bazaar, One block north on CR 48 off Hwy.6 |
October 15th | MVFD fundraiser at Sacred Heart Church. |
Good afternoon
If you would, PLEASE, send out a plea to all your group asking if they
know of anyone who is homebound and would need help in evacuating, if
necessary, please contact Manvel City Hall,
281 489 0630.....ASAP.
Thank you,
UPDATE 09/05/05 The Saint Vincent De Paul Society has become the center for the Hurricane Relief activity for the Alvin/Manvel area for the 583 people that ended up in our area. The Red Cross and FEMA are working with them for this area.
The society has found homes or available apartments, through the help of a lot of organizations and churches. These people in the apartments are in desperate need of everything; from the time you wake up in the morning until you lay your head on a pillow at night is what they need.
If you are helping with the relief efforts and have someone staying with you in your home, the society can also help. |
Wal-Mart pharmacies has volunteered to donate 1 month's supply of prescriptions and will give any one from Louisiana, Mississippi or Atlanta that was displaced by the hurricane a job. For more information you can reach the society at 713-436-2821.
"DOG FOUND"--small, long-haired German spitz (?)--September 5, 2005 in Manvel, TX-- Very sweet, lively and affectionate. Appears to have come from an indoor home.--------PLEASE CALL 281-352-2466 as soon as possible to inquire! Someone has certainly lost a precious pet!! |
From The Mayor’s Desk Where has the summer gone? School is back in session, football games have begun and everyone’s pace has escalated. More and more prospective developers are coming in to see what our city has to offer. Our Permit Department, Elaine Graham, informs me she has issued over two hundred permits to Rodeo Palms. A recreation center is also being started at Rodeo Palms. We are in the process of decommissioning the wastewater plant on Lewis Lane. New lines are being added to divert the flow to the wastewater plant on Corporate Drive. Surveys for: Hope Lumber 12” water line, bringing on an emergency water well on School Road, expansion of Corporate Wastewater plant to 500,000 gallon and the new water well, expansion of water lines and the elevated storage tank are being finalized. |
The City
Council has chosen Dale Conger as the Project Manager for the above
mentioned projects. It is critical to our growth that we meet the concerns
for the new growth while meeting the concerns of our present community.
Congratulations to Officer J.D. Green, MPD, for capturing two suspects caught stealing lumber from Legend Homes in Rodeo Palms. Thank you for a job well done! Congratulations to Officer Robert Finley who retired from the Manvel City Council to join the MPD. Please keep Brenda Rice, our Court Administrator, in your prayers. She has been diagnosed with cancer. Please mark your calendars with September 16th and 17th for the Open House planned for Southern Ford at CR59 and SH288. A new Mustang will be given away on September 17th between 12 and 9. Thank you for your continued support. “Together WE CAN make a difference.” |
Alvin ISD Night You are invited to join other students, parents, teachers and staff members at the AISD night at the Astros September 7th at 7:05 p.m. They will be playing the Cincinnati Reds.A special ½ price ticket for Field Boxes $16.50, Mezzanine $6.50, Bullpen Boxes $10.50 and View Deck $5.00 seats are available. For ticket purchases of 19 or less log on to; Your password is astros1alvin. The Internet order deadline is the day prior to the game. For group tickets purchases of 20 or more, call J.B. Cheatham at 713-259-8337.Help Our Troops is a web site started from a simple family effort to help a son, Army Sergeant Brian Horn, who was one of the 1,000 soldiers who parachuted into Northern Iraq on March 26th, 2003. They knew his unit, the 173rd Airborne Brigade was living under very rough conditions, and we were sending Brian care packages as often as we could. They wanted to help the soldiers who were with Brian so they started this web site on August 26th, 2003, and asked friends and neighbors to help send their support. The idea caught on, fast. By Christmas Eve 2003 the site was a complete success. On January 1st, 2004 the site was expanded to the armed forces all over the world.The site was stared to send items and letters to those servicemen and women that are not receiving anything from home. For reasons that we might not recognize, some of them receive nothing from friends or families, but need some reassurance from this side of the many waters that take them far away, that we care enough to send them some sign of thanks. Not only does this site include the option to choose a man or woman, select the branch of the service, find out what they need, but also click onto the USPS to receive a box of mailing boxes, tape, forms, etc. The boxes have a set fee for the specific box. It is not set by weight, but by size. They make it very easy to send something to a needy serviceman or woman. |
Relief Efforts New Hope Church will be housing hurricane Katrina evacuees Wednesday, September 1 through Friday, September 3. The church is taking donations of gift cards, towels, sheets, blankets, pillows, toiletries, food, baby items, and clothes that are being distributed to the evacuees who come to the church for help. All remaining donated items will be sent to the Red Cross on Saturday morning, September 4. New Hope is also providing all meals to evacuees at the church through Saturday morning. You can contact them online at 1st Baptist Church of Manvel Make a personal toiletry bag for those sheltered in our area due to hurricane Katrina. If you would like to do this, here’s all that’s needed: bath towel, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, hair brush, deodorant, soap, shampoo plastic grocery/Wal-Mart bag. Open towel and lay flat. Put toiletry items in the middle of the towel.
Fold towel with items and place in plastic bag. Unless a central donation
drop off place is established, donations will be taken on Friday to: Blankets and pillows are also welcome. All donations will go to hurricane victims that are sheltered here in the Houston area as well as those coming from the Superdome to the Astrodome. Thank you and God Bless! PS Fabricators Contractors 21320 SH 6, 281 489 2980 Their warehouse in front (the new one) is filling up and they are feeling so very good about it. They made new signs directing cars that drive up and unload or help unload all that they bring. Even if it takes a forklift they are ready. If you cannot deliver the donations they we will pick them up but only in the immediate area. They will be collecting for the next few months and forward it according to the American Red Cross here or in Foucheon Louisiana. “ We send containers there on a regularl basis to Allison Marine (we have a strong business relationship with them), the more items in the container won’t make any difference to us. They have contacted the ARC on their end and we will be set up by the time stuff is ready to go.” You can help the Hurricane Katrina Relief by providing some of the following: blankets and Clothing, Canned and Box Goods, Toothbrush and Toothpaste, Soap, Towels and Washcloth, Bottled Water, Diapers and Formula, Mosquito Spray, Batteries, Etc. We DO appreciate all you can do and share. THANK YOU! Drop off location at the office of: Hurricane Katrina Victims Benefit On September 3rd, Saturday, Staton’s is holding a benefit for all victims staying in the Alvin area. They will all be served a lunch plate for free; all others will be $5.00 for BBQ and $1.50 for hot dogs.
This article is from a friend’s
son going to school in Baton Rouge, Louisiana at LSU. It is his
interpretation of what is going on. It is not edited nor is for the weak
of heart. On the way back to the PMAC in a cart, it looked like the scene in the movie Outbreak. FEMA officials, U.S. Marshals, National Guard, and of course the survivors. Black Hawks were carrying in victims who were stranded on roofs. Buses rolled in from N.O. with other survivors. As Michael and I rode back to the PMAC, a lady fell out of her wheelchair and we scrambled to help her up.
July 2005
FYI ...
The Special
Events is having a yard sale this Saturday, July 30th, at Carole
Kylberg's home to help pay for the July 4th fireworks. Her home is
located on the corner of Cindy and Lewis. Cindy is the street next to
the library. It has been rescheduled 3x due to rain.
They are asking for help and/or donations. The next committee meeting is Wednesday, July 27 at 7 p.m. at The Naked Rib Smokehouse. :-) |
Several people have sent me emails
concerning the MVFD BBQ and auction. For the past 50 years the
fundraiser had always been on the second week in August. Starting this
year it will be in October, specifically for this year on the 15th. It
will still be at Sacred Heart Catholic Church.
I will be calling you and/or your
businesses and families for scheduling workers on the serving line and
ticket sales. The fire department thanks you for your support. :-)
August 2nd | National Night Out. |
August 10th | AISD First Day of School |
August 13th | Grace United Methodist Church Youth Group breakfast every second Saturday Morning |
August 14th |
Sunday Devotion & Motorcycle Ride - Naked Rib Smokehouse, 9:00 a.m.,
Coffee, donuts or rolls will be provided. Call Harry or Mary at 281-331-1051 or Dave & Elaine at 281-431-1615 |
August 12th |
Knights of Columbus Fish Fry,
5:00 – 7:00, Hwy. 6 |
The Special Events
Committee provided the City of Manvel a spectacular event from start to
finish. Due to the hard work of Mary Hart owner of The Naked Rib, the
parade was the largest and best parade we have ever had. The Manvel Police
Department and Manvel Public Works were all out in full force providing
the added security.
The Manvel, Iowa Colony and Pearland volunteer Fire Departments and the Manvel EMS all had their trucks in the parade. Manvel VFD and Iowa Colony manned their respective food booths. The food, drinks, music and entertainment flourished up and until the fireworks presentation at 9pm. Residents lined up along Lewis Lane to have a birds-eye view and what a view it was. The sky was lit up with a blaze of color. Yes, the City of Manvel will long remember the “4th of July Celebration of 2005, a memorable gift from the Special Events Committee. What else can one say, but “Thank You Special Events Committee, Thank You For Making This Day One We Shall Always Treasure! Mayor Delores M. Martin |
From The Mayor’s Desk What a wonderful start we had for the month of July! The parade and fireworks display sponsored by the Manvel Special Events Committee was a combination hard work and numerous challenges for this special group, but they accomplished their goals. Everyone was thrilled with his or her efforts from start to finish. Thanks to the huge donation of materials from Hope Lumber Company, the diligence of Dave Madsen of Armour Homes and the opportunity from Dr. Marsh, the Manvel Police Department has moved into their new location on McCoy at SH6. The new dispatch system is in place and we are working toward the 911 service for our community. Chief Garcia and I met with ESD #3 to discuss the 24-hour dispatching for the MVFD, MEMS, Iowa Colony, CR #143 and possibly Rosharon. The possibilities are being considered. The MPD will have their open house for the community around the beginning of September. Please watch for the date. The North Brazoria Democratic Committee has volunteered to sponsor 2.3 miles of FM1128, ½ mile North of SH6 as part of their cleanup project. They will be working Saturday, July 23rd, weather permitting. If you see them out, please let them know how much their dedication is appreciated. The Manvel City Council has voted slower speed limits on. Please be aware of the posted speed limits. Police will be out reminding drivers to slow down as they drive through our community. Southern Ford Dealership is nearing completion. There will be a private open house on September 15th, 16th and 17th. There will be prizes, food and entertainment. Mark your calendars! The Chocolate-Bayou Watershed Committee will begin a feasibility study to set priorities on improving drainage in our area. This is critical for the City of Manvel. A huge debt of gratitude goes out to DD#3, DD#4, DD#5 and the County Engineers. We are still comprising our data list of citizens who may need assistance in times of evacuation. If you know of someone, PLEASE contact City Hall at 281-489-0630. We want to be of service to those in need, but we need to know who and where they are. Our Emergency Management Coordinator, David Smith, is staying on top of any signs of trouble in the Gulf of Mexico. The City of Manvel is looking into the possibility of adding on to our present City Hall, which we are steadily outgrowing. Thanks to the generosity of Randy Brown, the former home of the MPD has been moved and retired. Mrs. Elaine Graham stays busy with permits constantly flying out to different sites. Please remember the posted hours at City Hall: Monday through Thursday, 7:30am to 5:30pm, Friday, 7:30am to 11:30am. Thank you for your continued support. Please remember, ”TOGETHER, WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE”! Delores M. Martin, Mayor |
MVFD Fundraiser Changes Date The fire department’s annual BBQ dinner and auction fundraiser is being rescheduled for October 15, 2005. It will still be at Sacred Heart Catholic grounds. The proceeds will go towards furnishing the inside of the new fire station. More information will be available as the time approaches. Just a note…Citizens can come by city hall at any time for a copy of the Alvin Sun-Advertiser and The Post. They now have a paper machine outside so they can have access 24-7. It's Tee Time! Alvin-Manvel Chamber of Commerce 16 Annual Golf Tournament Monday, September 19, 2005 Southwyck Golf Club Rain Date: September 26, 2005 For more information call 281 331-3944. Acc Happenings August 1-2, Early campus registration for Fall 2005 semester at ACC Early campus registration for the Fall 2005 semester at ACC will be held Aug. 1-2. For more info. visit or call (281) 756-3524.
August 2, ACC CE Programs host open house The Continuing Education Programs at ACC will host an Open House on Aug. 2, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., in the Nolan Ryan Center. Staff and professionals will be available to provide information on fields, including Pharmacy Technology, Phlebotomy, Health and Medical, Real Estate, Loan Officer, Professional Inspector and more. For more info. (281) 756-3787.
August 25, ACC holds monthly board meeting ACC will hold its monthly Board of Trustees meeting on Aug. 25, at 7 p.m., in the Nolan Ryan Center Community Room August 30-31, ACC hosts blood drive ACC Student Activities will host a blood drive on Aug. 30 and 31, from 9 - 3. For info. (281) 756-3686. September 10, Senior Citizens Day to be held in September ACCESS (Alvin Community College Education and Senior Services) will hold Senior Citizens Day on Sept. 10 from 9 – 1. For more info. (281) 756-3729. |
If you have anything to add to the Update please contact Sharon Akery at 281-489-9658 or email her at,
July 2005
July 2nd h | Manvel’s July 4th Celebration |
July 4th | Independence Day |
July 8th | Knights of Columbus Fish Fry, 5:00 – 7:00, Hwy. 6 |
Seaman Center The Seaman Center is in urgent need of magazines and books. Magazines of interest to seamen include the following: Art Sports News (such as Time, Newsweek) Science (such as Issues, Smithsonian, Discover) Mechanics (such as Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, Woodworker’s Journal) Travel (such as National Geographic) Consumer goods (such as PC World, Consumer Digest, Consumer Reports) Educational (such as International Wildlife, Audubon) Finance (such as Entrepreneur) Health Home (such as Home Life, Family Circle, Focus on the Family, Good Housekeeping) Religion (such as Advanced Bible Study, Baptist Adults, Christianity Today, Decision, Direction, Guideposts, any outdated literature, etc.) The Seaman’s Center is open 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 5:00 to 10:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. You can reach them at 979-233-5641. First Baptist Church in Manvel is willing to be a drop off point this if necessary. |
PRESS RELEASE BURN BAN ENACTED FOR BRAZORIA COUNTY – June 27, 2005 Due to current dry conditions, the Brazoria County Commissioners’ Court on this date approved an Order Prohibiting Outdoor Burning in the unincorporated area of Brazoria County. Violation of the Court’s Order prohibiting outdoor burning is a Class C misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not to exceed $500.00. Under this Order, the burning of household trash is permitted, providing it is burned in an enclosed container with a mesh cover. Any questions regarding outdoor burning should be directed to the Brazoria County Environmental Health Department at Courthouse extension 1600. Although fireworks will not be banned for the upcoming Independence Day holiday, the Court does ask local fireworks dealers to voluntarily withhold the sale of “skyrockets” and “missiles” as a precautionary measure. Citizens are asked to use extreme caution when using fireworks of any kind.
From The Mayor’s Desk The heat of summer has found us, but City Hall is bustling with activity despite the heat. Since April, Rodeo Palms has pulled approximately 100 building permits for new housing and still asking for more. Elaine Graham, who is charge of Permits, does not want for something to do. Since January 2005, she has scheduled 585 inspections. “We are indeed a City on the Rise”. We do welcome our new police officer, Stacy Jo Carson. The remodeling of the new Police Department is almost ready of occupancy. Our treasured dispatching system will be installed on Thursday, June 23rd. This is a long awaited achievement; 24 hour dispatching is around the next corner. What a plus for the citizens of Manvel! An open house will be announced for all to come by for a visit. We have had two productive Emergency Management Evacuation meetings with the leaders of Manvel. We are asking the churches to help us compile a list of people who would need assistance in times of emergency. If you feel you are one of these people, please, please call City Hall and give us your name, address, phone number and email address, if you have one, so we can add you to our data base. We want to be sure no one will be overlooked. We have taken Iowa Colony under our umbrella in this project. There is no time like the present to be prepared. Please remember Grace United Methodist Church is our designated Red Cross Shelter, thanks to Rev. Sue Carter. Brother Gary Richardson of First Baptist Church and Rev. Martin of The Church of the Harvest have also volunteered their churches if it becomes necessary. Their generosity is greatly appreciated. If you notice stakes appearing along SH6, it is because of the surveying being done for our infrastructure projects; water and sewer lines going both East and West. If you have not had the opportunity to drive down Masters, please take time to do so. Our heartfelt thanks goes out to Jay White, our Public Works Director and his fantastic crew, ably assisted by the County for the widening and refurbishment of Masters, a project long overdue. The road will be striped as soon as we can get back on the County’s list. Regarding Cemetery and King, we have two wonderful volunteers who will be doin g a house-to-house survey to help Manvel qualify for HUD funds to fix these roads as well. We do realize many, many streets need to be addressed, but we can only do them one at a time. We do appreciate your patience and understanding. AISD has begun another Feasibility Committee to evaluate the expansion of future locations for learning. Doyle Fenn, Harry Opliger and myself represent the City of Manvel. There is also a Steering Committee evaluating the Chocolate Bayou Watershed and what can be done to improve drainage in this area. We are growing, but areas still need to be addressed to help improve the quality of life for our citizens. Thank you for your continued support. Please keep Rita DelBello, wife of Jimmy DelBello, Sr. in our prayers. She had back surgery on June 21st and will be recovering at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Jimmy and Janice DelBello if you would like to send your well wishes. God Bless, Delores M. Martin Ron Carter creates Nursing Scholarship for ACC In celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program at Alvin Community College and to help address the critical shortage of nurses across in the area, Ron Carter owner and president Mike Hall recently created the Ron Carter Nursing Scholarship. The $2,500 scholarship will be given to a deserving college district resident entering the ADN program in the Fall 2005 semester. “Alvin Community College is fortunate to have a local business leader, Mr. Mike Hall of Ron Carter, providing a new Associate Degree Nursing scholarship,” said Dr. Rodney Allbright, president of ACC. “By creating this college scholarship, this college will be in a position to assist more students enter the nursing profession.” ACC’s ADN program currently has a maximum enrollment of 60 freshmen and 60 sophomore students. In approximately two years, however, the college will have new facilities that will allow this program to increase its enrollment as well as other health science programs, such as Licensed Vocational Nursing, Diagnostic Cardiovascular Sonography, Emergency Medical Technology, and others. “Ron Carter has been one of the leading supporters of ACC over the years through direct support of college scholarships, the ACC Foundation, and also utilizing Continuing Education/Workforce Development at ACC for their employees,” Allbright stated. “This continues to be a relationship that works together for the students and the community.” Ron Carter’s dedication to education, the community and ACC will be featured in Time magazine in the Aug. 29 issue. For the second year in a row, Ron Carter has received the Toyota President’s Award for excellence in all aspects of dealership operations.
ACC News June 30 Deadline to submit for financial aid for Fall semester. For more information, visit or call (281) 756-3524.July 4 Fourth of July Celebration at ACC The City of Alvin Parks and Recreation Department will be hosting the annual Fourth of July celebration at Alvin Community College on Monday, July 4. The Alvin Community Band will be performing at 7:30 p.m. and fireworks will follow at dark. For more information, call (281) 388-4299. July 5-28 Sam Jowers Art Show at ACC The artwork of Sam Jowers will be on display at the Alvin Community College gallery from July 5 through July 28. Jowers is an ACC alumna currently working on her bachelor’s degree at the University of Houston. An open house reception will be held on July 14. The gallery is open Monday through Thursday, during the summer months, from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. For more information, call (281) 756-3605. July 14 – August 15 Registration for Fall 2005 semester at ACC Telephone and WebACCess registration for the Fall 2005 semester at Alvin Community College will be held July 14 through August 15. For more information, visit or call (281) 756-3524.July 18-21 ACC Kids’ College at ACC Alvin Community College’s Busy Bodies Kids’ College will be held at the main campus July 18 to July 21. Numerous fun and educational classes will be offered, including how to make musical instruments, photography, scrapbooking, bingo, “Ahoy Matey” pirate adventures, Cyberkids, pottery, and Creative Chefs. Kids entering kindergarten through sixth grade in the 2005-2006 school year are eligible to participate. Kids must be registered for Kids’ College no later than four days prior to the first day of the session. Registration must be done in person at the Pearland Center Library or the Nolan Ryan Center. For more information, call (281) 756-3729. July 25-28 ACC Summer Children’s Theatre The Alvin Community College Summer Children’s Theatre will perform “Repunzel” July 25 through July 28 at 10 a.m. with a second performance scheduled at 7:30 p.m. on July 28. All performances are in the ACC theatre, 3110 Mustang Road. Over 50 children participated in the show last year. ACC has been providing this opportunity for young actors for over 20 years. For more information, call (281) 756-3607. July 28 ACC holds monthly board meeting Alvin Community College will hold its monthly board meeting on July 28, at 7 p.m., in the Nolan Ryan Center Community Room. ACC is located at 3110 Mustang Road in Alvin. For more information, call (281) 756-3551. August 1-4 Campus registration for Fall 2005 semester at ACC Campus registration for the Fall 2005 semester at Alvin Community College will be held Aug. 1 through Aug. 4. For more information, visit or call (281) 756-3524.August 2 Pharmacy Technology and Real Estate Open House The Pharmacy Technology and Real Estate programs at Alvin Community College will be hosting an Open House on Aug. 2, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. If you would like to learn more about careers in these fields and how ACC can help you achieve your goals, this is a good opportunity to talk with instructors and professionals. For more information about Pharmacy Technology, call (281) 756-3807. For more information about the Real Estate program, call (281) 756-3994.
June 2005
June 8th |
Summer reading program starts at Manvel Branch Library |
June 8th |
First Baptist Church, blood drive, Wednesday, June
8th, from
4:30 pm - 8:30 pm. |
June 10th |
Knights of Columbus Fish Fry,
5:00 – 7:00, Hwy. 6 |
June 19th | Father’s Day |
July 2nd |
July 4th Celebration from
5:00 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. |
At the City Council Meeting of June
27, 2005, the Manvel City Council
voted to reduce the speed limit on Masters Road, from
SH6 to
Hanselman Road, to
30MPH and
DelBello Road, from
FM1128 to
CR58, to 30MPH.
These changes in the speed limits are the results of many complaints of
the residents voicing their concerns over the excessive amount of speed
on their residential streets. There will be additional signs posting
"reduced speed ahead" warning the drivers of the change in speed
limits. Please make note of this. We are concerned about the health,
safety and welfare of all our citizens.
Delores M. Martin
News From Area Churches & Others Church of the Harvest is still hosting their Friday Night Thrive, 7-10:30 p.m. for youth ages 11-18, music, food, games & youth service First Baptist Church will have their Vacation Bible School July 11-15. For more information call 281-489-8514 Grace United Methodist Church is have their vacation bible school on July 19 – 23 from 9:00 – noon. For more information call 281-388-2302. Sacred Heart Catholic Church is having Vacation Bible School, June 20-24, $20 before June 1. For more information call 281-489-8720. The Naked Rib Smokehouse hosts a Sunday Devotion and Motorcycle Ride the 2nd Sunday of every month at 9 a.m. Coffee, donuts or rolls provided. Call Harry and Mary at 281-331-1051 or Dave and Elaine at 281-431-1615 for details. |
Judge John Willy swore
in newly elected officials in a ceremony at Manvel City Hall on May 17,
2005. Those sworn in were:
Mayor, Delores M. Martin From The Mayor’s Desk May is always a busy month: elections, end of school, graduation, awards, parties, etc. There were more votes cast in the city election this year than in past years. “A heartfelt thanks” to all the citizens who took time out of their busy schedules to VOTE; we are so blessed to be granted this privilege and this privilege needs to be used. Congratulations to the winners: Mayor Delores M. Martin, new Councilmen Gary Garnett and Buddy Williams. County Judge John Willey swears us all in on Tuesday, May 17th. A huge debt of gratitude to the citizens who gave of themselves to be considered for a position: Paul Doggett, Maureen DelBello, Cherry McDonald and Harry Opliger. I especially wish to commend Maureen DelBello for her 6 years of dedication on the City Council and Cary Stiles for his 2 years. Both these people will be honored for their service with a plaque at the next council meeting. At the Royce Homes Quarterly Meeting on May 10th I was given a $5,000 check by Royce Homes to be applied to the refurbishing of the Manvel Dental Center on Highway 6, the new home of the Manvel Police Department. We hope to have an open house for the community in the next several weeks. We are most appreciative to Dave Madsen for his workmanship and the donation of materials by Hope Lumber. What a generous gift to the MPD! The Manvel Lions’ Club had another successful event on May 14th at Sacred Heart Church. They raised $15,000 for the literacy program at E. C. Mason. Another $1,000 was given to the young men who will be journeying to Colorado for world competition for Odyssey of the Mind. Life Memberships to the Texas Lions’ Camp were awarded to: Mike Robinson, Bob Owen of the Mustang Hunters Club, Lesa Martin, Marvin Booth, Tom Michael, Barbara Michael, Margaret Michael, Thelma Lemley, Jackie Silva and Gary Lopez. Memorial Plaques were given to: Rita DelBello and her family in memory of Jimmy DelBello, Sr. and to Mr. and Mrs. James Bolding in memory of their son, Cpl. Todd Bolding, who was killed in the line of duty. This was a very moving ceremony with tears flowing freely. I attended the AISD Police Memorial Service the next day at Hope Tabernacle. This service included all law enforcement services in Brazoria County. On May 18th I was honored to be a judge for the 4th grade Science Fair at Passmore Elementary in Alvin. Children of today have a definite love for Science. On May 20th along with Judge John Vasuit and Dr. Gregg Smith, we served as judges for the Look-Alike Contest at the Sock-Hop Dance held in Alvin. Seeing the Poodle skirts and bobby socks brought back many memories of the past. The rootbeer floats were especially enticing. City Hall’s activity has not slowed down. Permits are flying out. Legend Homes are sprouting and more permits are being pulled daily for Rodeo Palms. Developer Agreements are being finalized for New Hope Church and First National Bank. The monies from the Texas Water Development Board were deposited in our accounts and our water and sewer projects are ready to begin. MEDC has joined in with the Hope Lumber water line project. The surveyors are already at work for the Row’s. Please take a look at the progress our high school is making. This will certainly be a structure all of Manvel can be proud of. As you have noticed the Masters Project is in full swing. With good weather this should be finished in the next two weeks. Iowa Lane will be the next street to be resurfaced. We are waiting for all the oilfield equipment to be moved. Please remember to check the city’s website: for any other information regarding the city and the various organizations. “Thank you for giving the opportunity to accompany you on your journey for the next two years…TOGETHER, WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!” Mayor Delores M. Martin |
Easier Times Those of you that have been around at least 30 years or more will remember a Manvel of easier times. With all the growth here, and that which is coming, it’s time to walk down Memory Lane and recall a few of them. Do you remember when the Manvel Civic Club brought the circus to town – twice? It was the Carson and Barnes Circus that had a circuit of 9 months long. The company would get into town and set up at the field next to the old school building around 7:00 in the morning and by 7:00 the next morning they would be gone. Between these 24 hours they setup the big tent, some amusements and their camp. For the most part they left the field clean, except for the elephant manure some gardeners would hurry to shovel up for their gardens. It was a treat to watch the elephants work with their trainers to put the tent up. It was also considered a treat to be chosen to ride the elephants in the grand march inside the tent around the 3 rings. Some of the riders were Mayor Ron Kitchens, City Administrator Frank LeVoy, Manvel Civic Club members Sharon Akery and Pat McFarland, just to name a few. It didn’t take these local civic leading jockeys long to realize the elephants took some sharp turns almost running their riders into the poles supporting the tent. Each circus raised about $3,000 and the proceeds went to revamping the old school auditorium. Do you remember when the Tropical Storm Claudette put Manvel in the Guinness Book of Records by raining over 40 inches in a short period of time? Mayor Frank Levoy and Fire Chief Bobby Wisnoski had problems, but nothing they didn’t deal with head on. The fire department renamed the grass fire truck PT109 because of all the high water they were going through rescuing stranded people out of their flooded homes. Seeing how the water was covering the road, a fireman would walk on each side of the truck to make sure it did not go into a ditch. The junior high was set up as a shelter for those whose homes were flooded. Margaret Croix was licensed to give shots and set up at city hall giving Tetnas shots. It seems like she gave shots for weeks. People pitched in helping their friends, neighbors or perfect strangers How many of you remember the fire department’s annual BBQ at the old Texaco Park? In the beginning, the beef was donated by a local man, delivered to the park to be cooked. The firemen and their friends would cook the meat overnight in the pit at the park; they took turns with local guys helping out, under the direction of Bob Bahler. He always had a pipe in his mouth. The Woman’s Auxiliary would be in charge of the rest of the food. Their husbands would bring home some of the 500 pounds of potatoes and the 3 cases of eggs to cook; the wives would meet at the fire station on the Friday night before the event to mix the potato salad together in huge crocks. The men would then take the large containers to John’s Countryette because he had the largest cooler in town. Janice DelBello would cook the BBQ sauce in her garage. Helen Schlitzkus came up with the plan to raise money by having Manvel’s first live auction. One specific year some special sausage was donated to the auction, but the firemen didn’t know it was an auction item and ate it. They later said it was the best sausage they’d ever had. The scouts directed the parking in the fields as they do today, but in parking lots. Do you remember the Manvel History Book that Margaret Croix, Carolyn DelBello and Margaret Kemp put together? It is at the Manvel Library and is full of wonderful memories. What about the Bi-Centennial celebration and parade that Janice DelBello and Becky Meyers coordinated? How about when the Olympic Torch was carried through Manvel by those who wished to participate took turns every one fourth a mile carrying the torch? Mike Culling dressed up as Uncle Sam and Mayor Ron Kitchens was master of ceremonies for the gathering at the old school auditorium porch. How many remember the street dances, when the entire street was shut down or the rodeos that the Manvel Horse Club hosted? Can you name the two movies made here? The movie “Powder” was partly filmed at the old school building and then the movie "Hope", which was Goldie Hawn’s directorial debut, at the old Manvel Bible Chapel location on King Street. Remember when the civic club hosted the July 4th celebrations over 15 years ago? We had the first fun run in Manvel with our own Dr. Roland Lenarduzzi participating. Paul Doggett cooked and sold the sausages on a stick. Butch Rumker and Larry Akery sold sodas out of a Coke booth. There was a watermelon-eating contest and seed spitting later. George and Martha Otto took care of board games in the old community room. Everyone came back in the evening for a 30-minute fire works show. |
MAY 2005
May 6th & 7th | Library Yard Sale on Manvel Library Grounds, proceeds go to your library |
May 7h | Election Day for Manvel City Council and Mayor, AISD School Board, and ACC Bond Election |
May 7h |
Friends of the Library Bake Sale at E.C. Mason, morning of elections |
May 13h |
Knights of Columbus Fish Fry, 5:00 – 7:00, Hwy. 6 |
May 14th |
Manvel Lions Club
Annual Rod & Reel Crawfish Festival, see article |
May 26TH |
AISD Last Day of School,
Early dismissal |
This is a short Update, but I’m sure you will have a very strong Update to read next month. Thanks for your support! Coming Events at Baptist Church A huge thank you to everyone who has participated in the Pink Flamingos Fundraiser. This turned into a huge success and continues to do so. The youth and sponsors who are going to Tennessee for the mission trip are very grateful to the community for their support. They are also hosting a blood drive again on Wednesday, June 8 th at their church. |
Sorry, nothing from the Mayor’s Desk at deadline, maybe next month. Mason Elementary Team Headed to Colorado May 21-24, the E. C. Mason Elementary School team from Manvel will travel to the University of Colorado in Boulder, for the Odyssey of the Mind 2005 World Finals, an international problem-solving competition for students of all ages. The team earned a place at World Finals by coming in First at the Texas Odyssey of the Mind Association Finals on April 9, 2005 in Houston.The team of five students started working back in October to solve the long-term problem, Crazy Columns. The team’s problem was to design, build, and test a structure, made only of balsa wood and glue, which will balance and support as much weight as possible and also create a skit relating to the structure. All structures, props, and costumes must be the team’s idea and made only by the team members. At the regional competition in March, they won first place. Their structure supported more weight than any other team participating in all age categories, Elementary through High School. At State competition their structure held 455 lbs.!! The E. C. Mason team members are Nicholas Sabzevari a fifth grader, Adam Sabzevari, Travis Hoff, Byron LeStourgeon, and Brandon Olson, who are all in fourth grade. Their coaches are Mohammad and Cindi Sabzevari. This is the first year the team has participated in Odyssey of the Mind, and their first trip to World Finals. World Finals is a major educational event. Nearly 800 teams will come from throughout the U.S. and about 20 other countries to compete. Of those, only 15 or so will claim the title of World Champion of Creative Problem-Solving. This amazing team is currently working toward raising funds to get them and their props to Colorado. They are asking for any help from individuals and businesses in the community who would like to support these future engineers and problem solvers. Please send donations to E. C. Mason Elementary School, 7400 Lewis Lane, Manvel, TX. 77578 and make checks payable to E. C. Mason Elem., with ‘Team Odyssey’ in the memo. If you have any questions please call or email Cindi Sabzevari at 281-595-3233, or email at |
Special Events News The reorganized Special Events
Committee needs volunteers. They are also looking for some silent
auction items for the July 4th
Celebration. Their next meeting is Thursday, 6 p.m. at The Naked
Rib. 2005 officers are: 281-489-0041 |
APRIL 2005
April 1st
Knights of Columbus Fish Fry Hwy. 6, from 5:00 – 7:00 |
April 3rd h | Daylight savings time – Spring Up |
May 7th t |
Voting for Manvel City Council,
E. C. Mason Elem., 7:00 – 7:00 |
May 6th & 7th |
Yard Sale at Manvel Branch Library 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. |
Young Man Sworn in at Astrodome This is to announce that Zachary Ryan Graham, son of Elaine and James Graham, is officially a Marine. He was sworn in at a ceremony at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. The whole rodeo was designated to the honor the armed forces. The assistant Secretary of Defense performed the ceremony. Not only was it done live in front of the Rodeo crowd, it was shown on live TV to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. The ceremony was very touching in that they had microphones on the floor so the parents could hear their son or daughter take the oath. The Grahams are very proud of their son and ask that you keep him in your prayers. He is scheduled to leave for boot camp on June 20, 2005. Election Day Bake Sale The Manvel Friends of the Library is holding a bake sale fundraiser Election Day, May 7th on the sidewalk at E.C. Mason Elementary. Come early because they sell out quick. Bring or buy a cake, but support your library and vote for the candidate of your choice. All proceeds benefit the library. The Friends meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the Month. 3rd Annual Yard Sale for Library The Manvel Community Alliance – Library Building Fund Yard Sale will be coming up again May 6th & 7th. Last year’s sale was a complete success raising more than $1500. The sale had everything from yard and garden equipment to golf clubs. The MCA is asking for your help again this year but their goal is to make $2,000.They have started collecting large items for the sale and have filled up 2 storage units already. If you have anything to donate to the sale, but the items are too large for you to handle, please call 281-489-9658 or 281-489-2849 and leave a message. They will arrange to have it picked up. As in the past the Manvel Garden Club helped again with all the work. Thanks Ladies! |
From the Mayor’s Desk I had gone to Austin last week to visit with our legislators and their various committees: Texas Water Development Board, the Governor’s Economic Development Commission and the TECQ. I am very pleased to say these committees are all working very closely with the City of Manvel and support all of our projects 100%! Rodeo Palms have applied for an additional two civil site permits. 150 Building Permits are awaiting Rodeo Palms to receive their permit for the acceleration and de-acceleration lanes along SH288. Jenkins Karate Class is doing such an outstanding business; they are doubling the size of their business. Congratulations! Many “THANK YOU’S” go out to Brook Honore of StoneCo and the other businesses who united with Brooke to put on a fundraiser on March 13th to benefit Tony Rumker and his two children: Anthony, age 9 and Allison, age 3, who lost his wife and the mother of his children after an extensive illness on March 02nd. The citizens of Manvel rallied to the cause. The Rumker family is deeply appreciative for the generosity shown. SPECIAL THANK YOU’S also go out to Boy Scout Troop 483 for building two additional picnic tables and benches, completing the gazebo with latticework, steps and benching around the inside of the gazebo at Croix Park. We are very proud of these dedicated young men. Have you noticed some strange sightings in the past several days? Yes, The Youth of First Baptist Church of Manvel are keeping their flock by night, but they are not sheep, they are PINK FLAMINGOS! A sign accompanies these flamingos, “You have been flocked”! I had the privilege of being one of the designated yards this past weekend and in turn, I sent them to Manvel City Hall. If you are interested in ordering a flock (50) flamingos for someone, the flocking fee is $25.00. Monies raised during the first weeks of spring will help the youth raise funds for their summer mission trip. In June a group of 20 youth will be heading to the Appalachian Mountain Region to do mission work: such as construction projects, social service projects and back yard vacation bible schools. What a worthy project for our youth!! Please participate if you can. For more information, call the FLAMING HOTLINE at 281 381 2576 or email remember this is Holy Week and the church services at your special church. Early voting begins on April 20th. Please take time out of your busy schedule to VOTE for the candidate of your choice. Thank you for your continued support and always remember, “Together, we CAN make a difference”. God Bless, Delores M. Martin, Mayor |
From the Mayor’s Desk I had gone to Austin last week to visit with our legislators and their various committees: Texas Water Development Board, the Governor’s Economic Development Commission and the TECQ. I am very pleased to say these committees are all working very closely with the City of Manvel and support all of our projects 100%! Rodeo Palms have applied for an additional two civil site permits. 150 Building Permits are awaiting Rodeo Palms to receive their permit for the acceleration and de-acceleration lanes along SH288. Jenkins Karate Class is doing such an outstanding business; they are doubling the size of their business. Congratulations! Many “THANK YOU’S” go out to Brook Honore of StoneCo and the other businesses who united with Brooke to put on a fundraiser on March 13th to benefit Tony Rumker and his two children: Anthony, age 9 and Allison, age 3, who lost his wife and the mother of his children after an extensive illness on March 02nd. The citizens of Manvel rallied to the cause. The Rumker family is deeply appreciative for the generosity shown. SPECIAL THANK YOU’S also go out to Boy Scout Troop 483 for building two additional picnic tables and benches, completing the gazebo with latticework, steps and benching around the inside of the gazebo at Croix Park. We are very proud of these dedicated young men. Have you noticed some strange sightings in the past several days? Yes, The Youth of First Baptist Church of Manvel are keeping their flock by night, but they are not sheep, they are PINK FLAMINGOS! A sign accompanies these flamingos, “You have been flocked”! I had the privilege of being one of the designated yards this past weekend and in turn, I sent them to Manvel City Hall. If you are interested in ordering a flock (50) flamingos for someone, the flocking fee is $25.00. Monies raised during the first weeks of spring will help the youth raise funds for their summer mission trip. In June a group of 20 youth will be heading to the Appalachian Mountain Region to do mission work: such as construction projects, social service projects and back yard vacation bible schools. What a worthy project for our youth!! Please participate if you can. For more information, call the FLAMING HOTLINE at 281 381 2576 or email remember this is Holy Week and the church services at your special church. Early voting begins on April 20th. Please take time out of your busy schedule to VOTE for the candidate of your choice. Thank you for your continued support and always remember, “Together, we CAN make a difference”. God Bless, Delores M. Martin, Mayor |
MARCH 2005
Brazoria County Library Book Sale The Brazoria County Library System will be having a used book sale at the Angleton Library, March 31 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and April 1 & 2 from 9:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. This sale will include books of all kinds and all proceeds will benefit the BCLS to fund other projects as they come along.ACC Events Calendar for March March 12-13 and March 17-19, presentation ‘Oliver’, for more info. call 281 756-3607. March 17, monthly board meeting at 7 p.m., in the Nolan Ryan Center Community Room. For more information, call (281) 756-3551. Continuous, Craft vendors needed for the 4th Annual Cinco de Mayo festival in Alvin, April 30. For more information visit or call Lynette Rambo at 281 331-2253, Ext. 110. ACCESS (Alvin Community College Educational Senior Services) The ACCESS program is hosting a performance of the ‘Over the Hill Gang’, March 11, 1:30 p.m. in the Texas Room. A trip to Blue Bell Creameries and Bluebonnet Watch in Brenham, March 31 is also planned. For information call Rhonda Myers at 281 756-3729. Manvel Fire Department Awards Banquet The fire department’s banquet had a different twist this year; Fire Chief Steve DelBello stated the department is in better shape than ever before in the 50 plus years in existence. With the newly created Emergency Service District a new fire station is on the horizon, new trucks will soon be a reality, and more training and equipment is imminent. Alton Rogers was given a plaque for his dedication and hard work with helping the ESD become a reality. With his help Manvel carried the votes in it’s creation. Although their favorite firefighter was missing he was not forgotten. Jimmie Joe DelBello Sr. will be in their hearts and minds forever. He is attributed to building the department and always kept the men going even when things were really bad. They always said he was the motivation in whatever was accomplished. Rita DelBello, the fire department’s original dispatcher that retired this year, received an award for her 50 years of service. Only the past 10 years had she received compensation, that’s dedication. John Aucoin was named firefighter of the year for his dedication in creating the department’s website, Maureen DelBello, outgoing secretary and treasurer, received a plaque for her 10 years of service. Chris DelBello and Tom Reeder received service awards. The wives were given long stemmed red roses as a Thank You for supporting their husbands and the departmentThe banquet was held at the Jordan Event Center, which is a real asset to the community. Something Special, owned by Manvel’s own Teresa Scopel, catered the meal. Everything was perfect. If you need a location and caterer for your next event contact Nancy Rumberg at the Center and help keep our local businesses strong. |
Here is the information on the upcoming Science/Health Science Building Bond Election. I know you don’t have much room for it all. I tried to cover the main points. All of the information is available at, so readers can go to that, as well, for any questions they may have. They can also call (281) 756-3594 for questions about the proposal, election or voting. Kim
ACC Science/Health Science Building Bond Election 200
voting in Manvel will be held April 20 through May 3, at Manvel City Hall,
6615 Masters Road, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. On Election
Day, May 7, voting will be held in Manvel at E. C. Mason Primary School,
7400 Lewis Lane. Voting will be held at other locations in surrounding
cities, as well. |
6th Annual Alvin Area Garden Tour The Alvin Museum Society and the Alvin Garden Club will co sponsor their 6th Annual Alvin Area Garden Tour on Saturday, April l6, 2005, rain or shine from 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM. The charge is a $5.00, a tax-deductible, non-refundable donation to the Alvin Museum Society, children under l2 no charge. Featured on the Tour;Marguerite Rogers House Museum, ll3 E. Dumble St., Bobby & Judy Webb,
1404 Highland Dr. in Alvin There will be the usual plant sale plus venders of patio/garden art, decorations, etc. Anyone wishing to donate plants for the sale may call Pat Klopp, 28l-393-l538. Flyers with maps and tickets with specific directions to the sites will be available after the 1st of March to April l5th in Alvin at Petite Beauty Salon on Dula St., Alvin-Manvel Area Chamber of Commerce, and drive-thru windows of Guaranty Bank. They will be available at each of the tour sites on the day of the event. First Baptist Church Wednesday , March 2nd - Blood Drive, 2:30 - 8:30Friday and Saturday, March 25th & 26th, 7PM nightly – Easter Production "Were You There?" No admission fee.
From The Mayor’s Desk February is usually a month of hearts and flowers, but this month had an added sadness. One of Manvel’s treasures, Jimmie Joe DelBello, Sr. was taken from us on February 11, 2005. Please keep his family in your prayers. It is never easy to give up a loved one. On a happier note, City Hall has been a beehive of activity. This is only February and we have already accomplished 76% of our permit amount projected in the 2005 budget. Sonic is considering a location on highway 6, near SH 288. LaMatita has been sold and has a new owner. American Title has opened and will welcome the oncoming growth. Southern Ford expects to have the grand opening, weather permitting, the first week of July. That means more jobs for the Manvel community. The reimbursement agreement with Hope Lumber Company has been finalized and the work on the 1-½ mile 12” water line is being planned. What a blessing for us! Hope Lumber is fronting $250,000 for the water line. MEDC has been asked to join in with this project. Phase I has been completed and Phase II is going up with lightening speed. The City Council has agreed to a Project Manager to oversee the five projects we have before us. We do welcome David Neeley and the expertise he brings with him. City Council also appointed Dr. Heidi Zeimer to serve in the vacancy on the MEDC Board of Directors. The feeder roads along SH 288 will be finished shortly. PLEASE, watch the speed zone. The signs are for 45MPH and Tex Dot is requesting they be enforced. The bridge on Masters (CR 67) near Hanselman is finished thanks to the help of the crew of DD#3 and the Public Works crew. We are awaiting the county to blacktop the bridge so it can be re-opened. They had given me a time line of 1 month, but this was shortened by one week. That is what I call service!! The Manvel EMS held a very successful dance in Iowa Colony thanks to the citizens who participated. The gross amount was approximately $10,000. John McClelland of the Manvel Lions’ Club was chosen Manvel Citizen of the Year at the Alvin-Manvel Chamber of Commerce Banquet this past Saturday evening. Congratulations, John!! The long awaited dispatch system Manvel was awarded through the First Response Homeland Security ($90,000) has come in. It is being made ready for use. Our goal of 24 hour dispatching is within our reach. This will shorten the response-time to our citizens. The City of Manvel has a long awaited website: Please log on to see what is posted. Permits and building requirements are now available. Council minutes, meetings, important announcements, ordinances, etc. will be posted. This will give us another tool to better serve our community. Thank your for your time and your support. Please remember, “Together, we can make a difference”. God Bless, Delores M. Martin, Mayor |
March 21st – 25th | AISD Spring Break |
March 4th, 11th and 18th | Knights of Columbus Fish Fry, 5:00 – 7:00, Hwy. 6, Every Friday during Lent, except for Good Friday |
March 27th | Easter Sunday, Continue to Pray for Peace |
May 6th and 7th | Manvel Library Building Fund Annual Yard Sale |
May 7th |
Friends of the Library, Election Day Bake Sale Bring & Buy some goodies to support the library |
From: Sheron Akery
I'm passing this on to all my Manvel Update Readers. This family needs our help, so please come out and support them. Also, 'Hats Off' to the Manvel Businesses and local communities for putting this together for Tony and his kids. Over the past year Nikki Rumker, a lifelong member of the Manvel Community, has had some serious health problems. She has been in and out of hospitals numerous times. On March 2, 2005, she passed away. Her family did not have any type of medical or life insurance. Her husband, Tony Rumker, has taken off work for an extended period of time to be with his wife and their two children Anthony age, 9 and Allison, age 3.
Therefore, a benefit is being thrown for their family on March 13, 2005 starting at 1:00 p.m. It will be held at StoneCo located at 19430 Highway 6 in Manvel. There will be a BBQ Dinner or Crawfish Dinner for $10.00 per plate. With the purchase of your dinner ticket, your name will be entered into a drawing.
We are also having a bake sale and an auction. We are asking for any type of donation, whether it be auction items, baked good, or cash donations. Please call StoneCo with any questions at 281-489-6666 or Brook Honore at 281-960-5675. You may drop off donations at StoneCo. You may make a donation at the First National Bank in Alvin or Manvel in the name of Tony Rumker.
Prayers are also appreciated...Sharon Akery |
February 2005
MJH Warrior - Girls Volleyball and Basketball Girls’ athletics at MJH School include “A” & “B” teams in Volleyball and Basketball. The Volleyball seasons are now completed and the girls are busy with basketball. In the spring, the girls participate in track & field events, tennis, and swimming. The 7th and 8th grade “A” teams both competed in the Needville Tournament January 14th and 15th. Both teams won the Runner-Up trophy. Team members of the 7th grade teams are: “A” team: Sydney Lawson, Ryaine Gonzalez, Jessica Flores, Savannah Kylberg, Ashley Cochell, Ellen Smith, Lyndsey Hall, Aysha Hollins, and Erica Amundsen. “B” team: Lauren Feuz, Lashaundra Walker, Ashley Griffith, Sandra Sturdy, Jessica Goldgar, Lauren Welch, Amapola Paredes, Jessica Pospisil, and Christine Richards. Team members of the 8th grade teams are: “A” team: Kathryn Ducommon, Lane Follmar, Amy Akheituame, Kelsi, Kettler, Kristin Amundsen, Lauren Gragg, Britnell Robinson, Devan Tardy, Ebony Earls, and Elizabeth Sternberg “B” team: Stephanie Bynum, Miya Hosey, Morgan Osbon, Marie Estrada, Dominique Henry, Kyle-Ann Phillips, Nikki Miliford, Britney Sharp, Brandie Lathan, and Crystal Jeffcoat. News from E. C. Mason The annual Alvin ISD Turtle Race is in full swing. Turtles can be adopted for $5 each, proceeds benefiting teachers and students. ECM is collecting money for Tsunami Relief sending it to the Bush-Clinton Fund. TAKS testing begins in Feb. 3rd & 5th grade testing in reading while 4th grade tests in writing.Cancer Support Group The First Baptist Church has started up a cancer support group Jan. 20th, at 7p.m. for anyone who has cancer, is a cancer survivor, friend or family member. |
MJH Warrior Cheerleaders The MJH Warrior Cheerleading Squad has been busy this past year providing school pride and spirit to their football, volleyball and basketball teams. In addition, the girls have participated in two Cheerleaders of America Half Time Extravaganza’s, one at the University of Houston in November, and the EV1.Houston Bowl game on December 29, 2004 at Reliant Stadium. MJH Warrior Cheerleaders will be hosting a Cheer Clinic on Saturday, February 19th from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m., ages: 4 and up, at the New Gym at MJH School. There will be a Pep Rally at the end of the Cheer Clinic at 11:45 a.m. All participates are invited to perform at the Basketball Half Time Extravaganza on Mon., Feb 21st. Registrations packets can be picked up at Manvel Jr. High, E. C. Mason, Don Jeter, or Mary Marek elem. schools.All early registrations will receive a free T-Shirt. A cost of the Cheer Clinic is $25.00 per person. The 2004-2005 Cheer Squad consists of Captain Amy Burkhart, Stephanie Bynum, Mercedes Carbajal, Laura Jones, Morgan Osbon, Lindsey Otto, Ashley Saenz, Tarya Shea, Ashley Thomason, and Melissa Warren. |
Have a Goodun! By Mike Campbell "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, coke in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming 'WOO HOO' what a ride!" Congratulations to Jackie Silva at E.C. Mason Elementary on receiving Channel 2’s Sunshine Award on ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ January 24th. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ From The Mayor’s Desk Can you believe the beautiful Christmas we were blessed with! The pure white snow glistened and reflected the Presence of the season. What a beautiful memory for all to treasure! Much is happening in the City of Manvel. The bell tower has been set in place in Phase 1 of Manvel High School. Just think the doors will open to our children in a little more than one year. I am happy to report as of January 17th, our dispatching system has gone to 16 hours a day, seven days a week. It will not be long before we have completed our goal of 24 hours. Our next goal will be our own 911 service. A California developer has purchased Manvel Manor across from Manvel Junior High. He is planning on 14 one acre lots, custom built homes from 2700 square feet to 3400 square feet, draining down the lake, inserting a fountain in the middle and landscape the sides, adding a fence and paving the road in front of this development. He plans to begin in the next several weeks. He also is in the process of purchasing the 15 acres of Butch and Terry Lira on DelBello and doing a similar project. Noble Energy is planning to drill a replacement well on Iowa Lane. This was one of the better gas producing wells, but it has become impacted with sand and it has cut down on its production. Noble Energy has agreed to post a $50,000 bond to cover the cost of asphalting Iowa Lane upon their completion of the well. Plans are proceeding on the expansion of the Wastewater plant on Corporate Drive and an added 9000 feet of the line. Water options are being reviewed regarding Hope Lumber. Their progress has been unbelievable. Lumber will bring in the latter part of this month. They hope to open for business shortly. This means new jobs for our community. There are still openings in committees for volunteers. If you have some time to give, please call City Hall at 281 489 0630 and let me know. Please keep Mr. Jimmie DelBello Sr. in your prayers. His recovery has been slow and I am sure the family would welcome your support. Thank you for all your support and encouragement. Remember “Together we CAN make a difference”! Delores M. Martin, Mayor |
ACC Events Calendar for February Continuously - ACC offers Weight Watchers group For more information, call Lynn Goswick at (281) 756-3569. Feb. 3 - ACC Pearland Center offers Business Protocol and Etiquette Power Lunch, for more info. call (281) 756-3904, ACC Pearland Center is located at 2319 N. Grand. Feb. 10 - ACC names softball field in honor of Ruth Ryan, for more information, call (281) 756-3696. Feb. 21 to March 4 - ACC holds 8-week mini-term registration. Feb. 24 - ACC holds monthly board meeting, for more info. call (281) 756-3551. Now until Feb. 24 - ACC Pearland Center offers Master Gardener classes, call (281) 756-3900. Feb. 26 - ACC hosts Big Band event, for more info. call (281) 756-3686. Notice: The bridge on Masters Road over Chocolate Bayou near Hanselman will be closed Monday, Jan. 31, 2005 for repair. This bridge is slated to be closed for about one month. Spring ESL Classes Lorinda will also be planning a summer class, which will take place during the afternoon, but there are no specific dates for those classes as yet. Also people are welcome to join the classes at anytime during the session and to call her for more information. She says her Spanish is limited, but will muddle through some how. She may be reached at 832-630-3637. |
Disaster Drill at Manvel's Wolfe Air Park
Several area Fire Departments and EMS services held a mock disaster drill at Wolfe Air Park in Manvel at 7a.m. on Saturday, July 17th. The scenario consisted of a plane crash at an air show at Wolfe Air Park with fire and numerous injuries and deaths.
Area Fire Departments, EMS's and Police Departments that participated were Alvin Volunteer Fire Dept., Alvin EMS, Brookside Volunteer Fire Dept., CR 143 Volunteer Fire Dept., Iowa Colony Volunteer Fire Dept., Manvel Volunteer Fire Dept., Manvel EMS, Manvel Police Dept, Pearland Volunteer Fire Dept., Pearland EMS, Wolfe Air Park Fire Dept and Lifeflight from Hermann Hospital.
Photography by George Hosek
Manvel Volunteer Fire Department |